Youth Exchange School (YES!) "HUNGaRY for Culture" - Pre-enrollment

Dear Student, please fill in the application form for this RUN-EU Short Advanced Programme (SAP), jointly coordinated by Dr. Júlia Szőke ( Dr. Sarolta Kóbori ( Complete all the required fields and submit the form in order to be eligible for selection and participation.

This RUN-EU SAP will be offered in a SZE, Hungary format from the 02 October to 06 October 2023 and it will be worth ECTS credits.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation laws, by submitting your application you consent that the submitted data is stored, managed and used by the SAPs management team, namely IPCA (WP6 Leader) and the co-organiser(s) HAMK and IPCA, in matters related to the programme and the ERASMUS European University RUN-EU. A more detailed definition of personal data processing and privacy notices can be found at

Required fields.