Youth Exchange School (YES!) "HUNGaRY for Culture"

Széchenyi István University’s YES Programme, titled “HUNGaRY for Culture” aims to provide participants with an immersive experience in Hungarian culture and language, fostering intercultural understanding, linguistic awareness and personal growth. By exploring the vibrant city of Győr and engaging in a variety of educational and recreational activities, students will gain a deeper appreciation for Hungarian heritage while connecting with their peers from diverse backgrounds.

Number Hours
0 hours
Course Code / UFCD Code:
Mode of delivery
SZE, Hungary

Széchenyi István University, Győr, Main Campus

Organised By

Széchenyi István University, SZE


No image available
Programmatic synthesis
Language of instruction
English - United Kingdom
ECTS credits
ECTS credits
Academic Recognition
Certificate for YES Programme provided by the organniser.
Means Criteria

Scholarship Available

Admission Conditions

How to apply
Fill in the application form
Target Audience
All RUN-EU Students are eligible.
Selection criteria
Maximum number of students to be selected: 40 Motivation (Why would you like to take the YES programme? How will you apply the course? What will you bring as a student?) Balanced participation of RUN-EU member Institutions
Training Area
Special Conditions
Learning Teaching Strategy
Professional Output

Workload Breakdown
Proposed Learning Outcomes
Dr. Júlia Szőke (
Dr. Sarolta Kóbori (
Read all the details about this programme.
Please send an email to or if you have any further questions.