Numerical Methods with Python Programming, 2nd Edition

This SAP aims to introduce numerical methods for undergraduate and postgraduate students with some basic skills on Python programming language and with some mathematics skills on differentiation and integration. The student should have some prior knowledge of working with a computer, editing files, downloading and installing software.

To accomplish our goal, this SAP provides the student with the acquisition of general skills in elementary numerical analysis. The student also acquires knowledge and techniques associated with problems and engineering sciences applications.

In this SAP we propose the use of the Python framework provided by Anaconda ( and the classes will be supported by Jupyter Notebook. It is assumed that if the students use their own computer in class, then they will have already installed in their computers the Anaconda framework.

Number Hours
0 hours
Course Code / UFCD Code:
Transversal Skills
Mode of delivery


Organised By



No image available
Programmatic synthesis
Language of instruction
English - United Kingdom
ECTS credits
3 ECTS credits
Academic Recognition
To be defined by each home institution In general terms, most students will have this RUN-EU 2.0 SAP certified in the Diploma Supplement, as a minimal condition
Means Criteria
Active participation Learner portfolio Final presentation Reflection


Scholarship Available

Admission Conditions

How to apply
Fill in the application form
Target Audience
All RUN-EU 2.0 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
Selection criteria
Background, motivation, wide representation of subject areas/fields and balanced participation of RUN-EU 2.0 member institutions A maximum of 35 students will be selected for this programme The selection team will also take steps towards ensuring a diverse and representative group of students
Training Area
Special Conditions
Learning Teaching Strategy
Professional Output

Workload Breakdown
Proposed Learning Outcomes

Develop abstract thinking skills and acquire fundamental concepts associated with programming language;

Know and understand the concepts of elementary numerical analysis and describe their properties;

Apply the concepts of elementary numerical analysis in modelling and problem solving;

Use basic numerical methods and understand its properties;

Use and implement specific software in numerical problem solving;

Use critical thinking in the analysis of the results obtained;

Interpret and critically analyse text, which involve knowledge of numerical analysis;

Achieve greater accuracy and clarity in thought and language.

Ana Lemos, Carlos Campos, Sajjad Sajjadi and Teresa Abreu
Read all the details about this programme.
Please send an email to or if you have any further questions.