Sustainable Marketing for Global Goals

Marketing possesses a distinctive responsibility in observing and comprehending diverse external influences and utilising these insights to shape the inner mechanisms of an organisation for informed strategies and upholding ethical principles and standards.

In today's dynamic and demanding operating environment, both profit-driven and non-profit organisations are seeking guidance incorporating the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the fabric of their organisation.

The objective of this SAP is to provide interdisciplinary students from across the RUN EU network (future graduate global citizens) with an awareness of ethical and sustainable approaches to designing and implementing marketing strategies within the organisations they will work with and for, that contributes to the triple bottom line of planet, people and profits. In the future it is hoped that all organisations will adapt socially responsible marketing practices and our students will be leaders in this area. This SAP will not only identify current tools and models of marketing strategy but it will also apply these to a real-life organisation. The SAP will be delivered using principles of Universal Design Learning (UDL).

This Short Advanced Programme (SAP) is one part of a collaboration of 2 complimentary SAPs developed by TUS Athlone and NHL Stenden. The NHL Stenden SAP is Meaningful Content Production.

Number Hours
0 hours
Course Code / UFCD Code:
Cutting-edge Topic
Mode of delivery

TUS, Athlone, Ireland

Organised By

TUS, Athlone NHL Stenden


Certificate of Participation and Transcript of Records.

No image available
Programmatic synthesis
Language of instruction
English - Ireland
ECTS credits
2 ECTS credits
Academic Recognition
To be defined by each Home Institution. In general terms, most students will have this RUN-EU SAP certified in the Diploma Supplement, as a minimal condition.
Means Criteria
Sustainable strategy group project: 40% Sustainable strategy group presentation: 40% Individual reflective diary video blog: 20% Active participation from all students in team activities is mandatory. Fail or pass assessment.

No basic knowledge needed. However, all prescribed case studies must be read in advance.

Scholarship Available

For students: Maximum number of mobile students: 30 Travel: To be managed by Home Institution For staff: Travel: To be managed by Home Institution Flows/Institution: Applicant selection aims for wide representation of partner institutions implying a maximum of 5 students per university. Final decision on the scholarships to be awarded falls under the responsibility of the Home Institution RUN-EU leader.

Admission Conditions

How to apply
Fill in the application form
Target Audience
RUN-EU students from all cycles of studies, with particular emphasis on students from Digital Marketing, Business, Design and Communications.
Selection criteria
We want to ensure diversity and a wide representation of students from different RUN-EU partners and (study) backgrounds.
Training Area
Special Conditions
Participants need to bring their laptops.
Learning Teaching Strategy
Professional Output

Workload Breakdown
56 hours to include: Week 1: 5 online contact hours + 6 hours prep and pre-reading = 11 hrs per week. Week 2: 33 hours mobility week lecturing + 10 hours group work + 2 hours independent learning = 45 hrs
Proposed Learning Outcomes

At the end of this SAP, students will be able to:

Explain the fundamentals of marketing and digital marketing strategy theory.

Explore traditional and digital tools that aid businesses locally and globally.

Demonstrate an awareness of the impact on society of marketing and digital marketing strategies.

Develop a sustainable digital marketing strategy for a live organisation.

Louise Murray

Sinéad O’Connell
Read all the details about this programme.
Please send an email to or if you have any further questions.