SAP Challenge: Introduction to the Social and Solidarity Economy

The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) offers an answer to the challenges of our time for which neither commercial companies nor the state offer suitable solutions. Although the Social and Solidarity Economy is not a new phenomenon, its importance and visibility have increased significantly since the turn of the century. In April 2023, the United Nations General Assembly passed the first resolution on “Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for Sustainable Development”. The resolution recognises that the SSE plays an important role in achieving and territorially embedding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and calls on member states to also enshrine the SSE in educational curricula.

The SSE is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of community-oriented organisations and enterprises, going beyond the traditional dichotomies of market and state. Some examples of SSE actors are renewable energy communities, complementary currencies, time banks, community supported agriculture (CSA), cooperatively organized local supply, etc.

This SAP aims to raise awareness of the potential of the SSE in Europe. The course gives students an overview of the actors, activities, principles and values of the SSE. Especially in the initial phase, SSE initiatives are often informal and not yet organised as legal entities. The course is therefore also designed to provide a first guidance on how to develop a community enterprise. An excursion and practical tasks will give the students a first insight into the development of community enterprises.

From 02 September to 06 September 2024
Number Hours
0 hours
Course Code / UFCD Code:
Challenge Programme
Mode of delivery
in face week at FHV

in person weet at FHV

Organised By

Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences 


No image available
Programmatic synthesis
Language of instruction
English - United Kingdom
ECTS credits
1 ECTS credits
Academic Recognition
To be defined by each higher education institution. Generally, most students will have this SAP certified in their diploma supplement, as a minimal condition.
Means Criteria
Active participation Final presentation


Scholarship Available

Admission Conditions

How to apply
Fill in the application form
Target Audience
All RUN-EU degree students.
Selection criteria
Background, motivation, wide representation of subject areas/fields and balanced participation of RUN-EU member institutions. A maximum of 30 students will be selected for this programme. The selection team will also take steps towards ensuring a diverse and representative group of students.
Training Area
Special Conditions
Learning Teaching Strategy
Professional Output

Workload Breakdown
Proposed Learning Outcomes

At the end of this SAP:

You know the main theoretical concepts of the Social and Solidarity Economy.

You understand the importance of the Social and Solidarity Economy for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and for Community Led Local Development (CLLD).

You know best practice examples of community enterprises in Vorarlberg and Europe.

You know the main practical tools and methods for community enterprise development.

You have created an impact model for a community enterprise.

Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences 
Read all the details about this programme.
Please send an email to or if you have any further questions.