Bee Analytics & Business

The well-being of bees is intricately linked to the well-being of humanity, making their preservation and protection vital for the sustainability of ecosystems and the prosperity of our species. This SAP targets on using analytics for monitoring bees. The analytic skills learned in this SAP can be used in many other fields.

Number Hours
0 hours
Course Code / UFCD Code:
Transversal Skills
Mode of delivery


Organised By

Häme University of Applied Sciences, HAMK Howest University of Applied Sciences Burgos University


No image available
Programmatic synthesis
Language of instruction
English - United Kingdom
ECTS credits
3 ECTS credits
Academic Recognition
HAMK, Howest and Burgos will provide a transcript of records of 3 ECTS and a Certificate of Attendance.
Means Criteria
Active participation in lectures and group work Assignments related to the bee analytics. Final presentation of the MVP. Assessment scale: in pass/fail.

0.5 years of studies in RUN-EU European University

Scholarship Available

Admission Conditions

How to apply
Fill in the application form
Target Audience
All RUN-EU degree students from first study year onwards (2nd semester).
Selection criteria
Student’s motivation and expectations meet the SAP content, wide representation of fields of study and balanced participation of RUN-EU member institutions. First time SAP participation has priority. Maximum 59 students
Training Area
Special Conditions
Learning Teaching Strategy
Professional Output

Workload Breakdown
Proposed Learning Outcomes

Gain insights into the opportunities and challenges of analytics and AI, participate in a hands-on bee analytics project for sustainable agriculture, discover valuable insights for stakeholders, develop a simplified and sustainable business model, and collaborate in an international, multidisciplinary group.

Häme University of Applied Sciences, HAMK
Howest University of Applied Sciences
Burgos University
Read all the details about this programme.
Please send an email to or if you have any further questions.