Miguel Sousa is a portuguese-american type designer and font developer, with a degree in Technology and Graphic Arts from the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, and a Master in Typeface Design from the University

of Reading, England.


During his studies in Reading, he designed Calouste, a typeface covering both Latin and Armenian scripts, which received a Type Directors Club award in 2006.


That same year, he joined the Type Development team at Adobe Systems in San José, California. There he has continued his focus on non-Latin systems, and mastering the details of font technologies. He is production team lead, and Adobe’s primary contact person for font technical questions, both inside the company and in online forums.


His personal site, adhesiontext.com, allows anyone to dynamically generate dummy text in a multitude of languages, containing only the desired characters.


Miguel Sousa

will be talking about



Font Technology and Type Design at Adobe


Adobe has more than 30 years of experience in software development, and in recent years it has successfully entered into the digital services business. But what many people don't know is that this company has been a font technology and type design powerhouse since its beginnings. This expertise is in its DNA and has remained a core asset over the decades. Let me take you on a journey that starts at the dawn of the desktop publishing revolution and concludes with the rise of the open source font movement.