Dave is an English type designer who decided in 2006 to free fonts!


Since then he has been studying and working to pursue the dream

of a free culture of visual communication.


He has since commissioned hundreds of typefaces from designers around the world, and created his own “Cantarell” typeface family while studying for over 2 years in the Department of Typography at the University of Reading (UK, 2009.)


A beautiful contemporary Humanist sans serif, it was included in the

launch of Google Fonts and chosen as the default User Interface type

for the GNOME 3 desktop. He is currently working as “Font Consultant”

to Google and a leading member of the Crafting Type and FontForge





Dave Crossland

will be talking about



Control Points


Today typography is becoming more and more important for us each to express ourselves. Typography has become an extension of who we are. Our choice of words to express the ideas in our minds is as important as our typographic choices that express the emotions in our hearts. Billions of people are now online and each person need fonts that are tailor-made for themselves and their businesses. Libre fonts can fulfil this need, but we need good tools to turn our freedom from an abstract ideal into a reality. In this keynote address, Dave Crossland introduces a new approach to typeface design that is both ubiquitous and unique.