Fonts can not usually be shared and when they do not work correctly, you are not allowed to fix them. Making your own typefaces is a black art, hidden in mystery. A long time ago software programs were the same, but the software freedom movement has freed the knowledge, the tools,

and the business of software. Now it is time to free fonts. Dave, Joana

and Natanael reveal how to design typefaces using only libre software — and how to earn money doing it.



6 hours (2 sessions of 3 hours each)

Dave is an English type designer who decided in 2006 to free fonts!


Since then he has been studying and working to pursue the dream

of a free culture of visual communication.


He has since commissioned hundreds of typefaces from designers around the world, and created his own “Cantarell” typeface family while studying for over 2 years in the Department of Typography at the University of Reading (UK, 2009.)


A beautiful contemporary Humanist sans serif, it was included in the

launch of Google Fonts and chosen as the default User Interface type

for the GNOME 3 desktop. He is currently working as “Font Consultant”

to Google and a leading member of the Crafting Type and FontForge




Nathanael one day decided to play with fonts and never stopped. Inspired by the typography classes while taking his degree in graphic design and multimedia in ESAD.CR he started drawing Exo. It was a successful project on kickstarter and housed in Google Fonts. Since then he has already released two more types via Google Fonts, Cinzel and Exo 2.


Apart from other commissioned works he has been creating his own typographic library. Although the play became work, he hasn’t stopped having fun drawing fonts.



Joana Correia was born in Porto (1979) and has a degree in Architecture from FAUP in 2003. Worked as an architect until 2008 when he decided

to explore his passion for graphic design and attended a degree

in Communication Design at ESAD Matosinhos. After her graduation she went to the UK where she completed her MA in Typeface Design

at Reading University (UK) in the prestigious Department of Typography and Graphic Communication.


Since 2011 she’s been teaching Typography and Type Design at ESAD.

She works as a freelance type designer developing new fonts and collaborates with companies like Google, SorkinType and FontYou. Finds great pleasure in teaching typography either on school time or

at conferences.


Member of the Association Typographic Internationale (ATypI) since 2010, supporting the organization in the annual events.