Barcelos welcomes us with its "Market Thursday." The vibrant colors of the handicrafts, the smell of the vegetables and the sounds of the market are the setting for a tour through the typographic landscape of this city. Local icon of portuguese popular culture, a unique example of the soul of Minho, Barcelos, the city, hosts the 5th meeting of Typography. Reveals itself to those who wish to look at the letters not only as vehicles for the word but above all a framework of local identity.


Create a typographical map of Barcelos.

Walking through the streets of Barcelos or dipping in the iconographic weekly market, participants are asked to register the typography and lettering that populate the city landscape.


Using ubiquitous technologies (smartphones), participants will create a photographic record and share it through social network Instagram.

They must select a set of five photographs that reflect the environment of the city and post on the social network Instagram with the #5ET.


The photographs in the competition will be evaluated by the jury during the meeting. The winning photograph will be announced at the closing session and its author will receive a prize, kindly offered by the partner Promais – Apple Store.



4 horas

Born in Reims – France – in October 1978. Designer, Teacher and Researcher. Besides teaching and project-oriented activity in graphic design, he has dedicated much of his professional career to research in multimedia and new forms of graphic communication through digital artifacts.


Professor of Typography since 2006 in the degree in graphic design of IPCA, he has developed several workshops in typography in order to disseminate techniques and concepts for a closer look at type design. To know and identify the personality of each character through its design and its context is the motto of his work.



Jorge Brandão Pereira (b.1979), designer, teacher and researcher in communication design. Assistant professor in at the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Barcelos, Portugal and member of ID+: Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture. Currently working on his PhD

in Digital Media at the University of Porto, on the UTAustin-Portugal Doctoral Programme, discussing design, communication, digital media participation, local cultures and creativity as the main research areas.