Oriol Moret Viñals and Enric Tormo Ballester


Esta ponencia resume el programa docente de una asignatura de tipografía, impartida en un centro de enseñanza superior durante los tres últimos cursos académicos (2011-2014).


Se expone el sustrato conceptual que caracteriza la propuesta —la visión disciplinar y humanística de la tipografía y del diseño— y se revisan los ejercicios prácticos asociados. Su repaso cronológico encadena los objetivos de aprendizaje en una secuencia coherente para la formación global del alumno, quien progresa de lo particular a lo general.


Dicho progreso se sustenta, en términos de aplicación gráfica, por un esquema metodológico común: con él, se parte del análisis pormenorizado de alfabetos tipográficos concretos hasta acometer los cánones clásicos de belleza a través de trazados armónicos.


El recorrido ilustra, entonces, los distintos niveles de actuación básica de la tipografía: el examen formal se amplía con la apreciación expresiva y de uso en la composición tipográfica; la articulación de la métrica tipográfica abre paso a procedimientos constructivos presentes en otras actividades proyectuales o productivas –arquitectónicas o artísticas. Integrada en este esquema, la tipografía refuerza su valor cultural particular, acorde con el planteamiento disciplinar y humanístico referido.




Um projecto de investigação de cross-fertilization entre

o grafismo e a música no Royal College of Art

Jorge Manuel Dos Reis Tavares Duarte


O objectivo desta investigação é a construção e avaliação no terreno de um novo sistema de notação tipográfica para as vogais – ferramenta para a aprendizagem da língua inglesa, enquanto língua estrangeira, prioritariamente para adultos. O instrumento de análise – Speechant - Vowel Notation System – constitui um novo dispositivo que trabalha no contexto do material impresso; a fonte é a escrita e a notação tipográfica providencia um método visual que realiza a tradução da escrita para o som e do som para a escrita.




An investigation how interactive and responsive type can be designed and used as a creative tool

Stefanie Schwarz


The project described in the paper investigates different ways of type form making that are enabled by coding. By a practice-based approach, the author explores how interactive and responsive type applications can support the designer’s creative process. Moreover it is outlined how such tools can add to the final outcome that by this means is able to reflect surrounding conditions and actions. The project aims to raise awareness of possibilities offered by programming in relation to typography and encourage other designers to explore and use them, hence create individualised typographic tools and applications for themselves. Therefore part of the project is revealing the process of these investigations and editing some parts as learning material in order to offer other interested makers an access to this subject.




A proposal for frictionless font publishing and distribution

Ana Isabel Carvalho and Ricardo Lafuente


This article presents a proposal for a standard in regards to font publishing and distribution. Starting from an analysis of the font design process, we then focus on the latter steps that are involved: preparing the font for release and distribution.


The lack of documentation for techniques or best practises regarding these final steps results in a multitude of personal workflows which we identify as a blocker to the release of more fonts and a larger ecosystem of type foundries, preventing the ubiquitous potential of libre and open font design.


A practical solution is then presented and showcased, based on a font packaging format and some self-developed tools that take advantage of it to simplify the font publishing workflow, ranging from simple metadata editing to the generation of foundry websites.