Gerry Leonidas é Professor Associado de Tipografia na Universidade

de Reading, Inglaterra.


Ocupa os seus dias a falar e a escrever sobre tipografia, typeface design

e ensino de tipografia. É o Director do Programa MA Typeface Design

e do Tdi summer course.


A framework for typographic quality in typeface design


The growth of consciousness about typeface design has brought a rise in the numbers of aspiring typeface designers; that's a good thing. But the ease with which fonts can now be published online has resulted in the loss of a filter for quality that was in the past embedded in the publishing process. This observation is most evident in the case of non-Latin scripts, where the lack of widely available resources and clear pathways to excellence present a major hurdle to aspiring designers. This talk reports on a current research collaboration between Reading and Google to develop a framework for ensuring a minimum level of typeface and typographic quality that is publicly available, while being agnostic with regard to the design specifics of each typeface.

Gerry Leonidas

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